SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2572305 - The Contract Determination in a New Ticket Does not Take Place Even Though You Added a Covered Object to a Contract


Although you added a Covered Object on the Item level of Contracts, there is no Contract Determination taking place for the Ticket.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Contracts workcenter.
  2. Go to the Contracts view.
  3. Open Contract ABC (ABC represents the Contract).
  4. Go to the Items facet.
  5. Go to the Covered Objects tab.
  6. Add Product 123 (123 represents theId of the product you want to link as a Covered Object).
  7. Navigte to the Service workcenter, create a New Ticket and maintain the required fields, including the Covered Object.

Result: The Contract field value is not updated and cannot be maintained.


The Contract determination strategy is Buyer-Centric and Status Based.

A Covered Object maintained at Item level is relevant for this Item only. Leaving the Covered Object empty on Header level means all the objects are covered.


  • Make sure you set the status of the Contract as Ready, as only active Contracts are relevant for Contract Determination.

Please Note : The start date of the Contract will be the date it is activated automatically.

  • Also make sure you add the Covered Objects at Header level of the Contract, instead of item level.

Please Note : If you maintain a Covered Object at header level, the covered object H1 (H1 represents the Header Level Covered Object) and at item level I1 (I1 represents the object at item level), then for the contract determination at ticket header only H1 is relevant and not I1.

An automatic assignment of a determined contract happens only if the determined contract is the most applicable (best match). If more than one contract is determined with the applicability, it has to be chosen manually via the Object Value Selector (the Search help of the field).

See Also


Contract Determination, Contract, Covered Object, Ticket. , KBA , LOD-LE-COP , Contract Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions