SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2572324 - Invoice Block Does Not Prevent Customer Invoice Creation in Over-the-Counter Sale


When a Delivery Block or Invoice Block is set on the Account, it does not block the Customer Invoice creation of an Over-the-Counter Sale.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Account Management work center.
  2. Go to the Accounts view.
  3. Show All Accounts and open account ABC (ABC represents the ID of the account).
  4. Click on the View All button and navigate to the Sales Data tab.
  5. In the Document Blocks section, select a Delivery Block or Invoice Block from the dropdown list.
  6. Click on Save.

Now you create a new Over-the-Counter Sales for this account:

  1. Go to the Over-the-Counter Sales work center.
  2. Select New Over-the-Counter Sale from the Common Tasks section.
  3. Click on View All.
  4. In the Name field for the account enter ABC.
  5. Fill all mandatory fields and click on Invoice button.
  6. The system creates and saves the Customer invoice.

You expected a block in the Over-the-Counter Sales document since you set a delivery or Invoice Block in the Account.


Over-The-Counter Sales function is different than the standard Sales Order process.

As explained in the help document “Quick Guide for Over-the-Counter Sales”, in an Over-the-Counter Sale the customer personally purchases goods directly in a shop and/or at the counter, and there are three possible payment scenarios. But none of them is considering a Delivery Block or Invoice Block because it is not relevant with this function as having a Block would mean you are denying the sale.


This is the expected system behaviour.

You can consult the following KBA for possible future solution:

2531827 - Functionality Currently not Available

See Also

Help document “Quick Guide for Over-the-Counter Sales” from the Help Center


KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign all versions