When a Delivery Block or Invoice Block is set on the Account, it does not block the Customer Invoice creation of an Over-the-Counter Sale.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Account Management work center.
- Go to the Accounts view.
- Show All Accounts and open account ABC (ABC represents the ID of the account).
- Click on the View All button and navigate to the Sales Data tab.
- In the Document Blocks section, select a Delivery Block or Invoice Block from the dropdown list.
- Click on Save.
Now you create a new Over-the-Counter Sales for this account:
- Go to the Over-the-Counter Sales work center.
- Select New Over-the-Counter Sale from the Common Tasks section.
- Click on View All.
- In the Name field for the account enter ABC.
- Fill all mandatory fields and click on Invoice button.
- The system creates and saves the Customer invoice.
You expected a block in the Over-the-Counter Sales document since you set a delivery or Invoice Block in the Account.
Over-The-Counter Sales function is different than the standard Sales Order process.
As explained in the help document “Quick Guide for Over-the-Counter Sales”, in an Over-the-Counter Sale the customer personally purchases goods directly in a shop and/or at the counter, and there are three possible payment scenarios. But none of them is considering a Delivery Block or Invoice Block because it is not relevant with this function as having a Block would mean you are denying the sale.
This is the expected system behaviour.
You can consult the following KBA for possible future solution:
See Also
Help document “Quick Guide for Over-the-Counter Sales” from the Help Center
KBA , AP-CI-CI , Customer Invoice , Product Enhancement