SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2572947 - Offset General Ledger Account Is Incorrectly Displayed In G/L Accounts - Line Items Report


A particular general ledger account, for example Account XXXshows a journal entry transaction. When viewing this transaction, and selecting the line in which this G/L account is debited or credited you observe a G/L Account(Origin) as g/l account XXX only.

Now you execute the G/L Accounts - Line items report for this g/l account XXX and you observe that for the same journal entry the offset General Ledger account is not XXX but instead account YYY.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the work center General Ledger.
  2. Go to the view Reports.
  3. Select the report G/L Accounts - Line Items.
  4. Enter the required fields and the GL Account XXX

Offset G/L Account displayed is ex: YYY but if you see the journal entry it is XXX.

  1. Go to General Ledger work center view
  2. Select Journal Entries view
  3. Find the concerned Journal Entry

 You observe by selecting the G/L account XXXin this journal entry that the G/L Account(Origin) maintained as XXX is not the same as what is picked in the report.


The Offset G/L Account is always calculated for the entire document and sub-transactions in document. If there are journal entry items with highest Debit/Credit amounts, then that will be determined as the offsetting account. This occurs mostly in more complex postings (e.g. GR/IR, Revenue Rec, journal entries resulting from automated runs, Manual JEVs. etc.) with multiple line items in debit/credit in the journal entry.


This is the expected system behavior.


Offset account, Incorrect G/L account , KBA , offset account, incorrect g/l account , SRD-FIN-ANA-GL , General Ledger (Reporting) , Problem


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