A particular general ledger account, for example Account XXX, shows a journal entry transaction. When viewing this transaction, and selecting the line in which this G/L account is debited or credited you observe a G/L Account(Origin) as g/l account XXX only.
Now you execute the G/L Accounts - Line items report for this g/l account XXX and you observe that for the same journal entry the offset General Ledger account is not XXX but instead account YYY.
SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the work center General Ledger.
- Go to the view Reports.
- Select the report G/L Accounts - Line Items.
- Enter the required fields and the GL Account XXX
Offset G/L Account displayed is ex: YYY but if you see the journal entry it is XXX.
- Go to General Ledger work center view
- Select Journal Entries view
- Find the concerned Journal Entry
You observe by selecting the G/L account XXXin this journal entry that the G/L Account(Origin) maintained as XXX is not the same as what is picked in the report.
The Offset G/L Account is always calculated for the entire document and sub-transactions in document. If there are journal entry items with highest Debit/Credit amounts, then that will be determined as the offsetting account. This occurs mostly in more complex postings (e.g. GR/IR, Revenue Rec, journal entries resulting from automated runs, Manual JEVs. etc.) with multiple line items in debit/credit in the journal entry.
This is the expected system behavior.
Offset account, Incorrect G/L account , KBA , offset account, incorrect g/l account , SRD-FIN-ANA-GL , General Ledger (Reporting) , Problem