- When using SAP Solution Manager (Solman) for monitoring of several HANA server, the dbco connection can be secured as described in SAP Note "2475246 - How to configure HANA DB connections using SSL from ABAP instance".
- However, when adding "dbs/hdb/connect_property=ENCRYPT=TRUE" to default.pfl, ALL Solman connections to all HANA server will be secured.
- In case, one of the HANA server has not been enabled for SSL connection, the following error will show up for the non-secured HANA Server: "only secure connections are allowed".
- How the Solman can be configured to only use secured connections to specific HANA server?
SAP Solution Manager 7.1
HANA, secure, SSL, dbcon, default.pfl, connect_property, encrypt, allowed, ABAP, dbsl, dbco, pse, sapsrv, $SECUDIR, monitoring , KBA , HAN-DB-SEC , SAP HANA Security & User Management , HAN-DB , SAP HANA Database , Problem
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