This article discusses several technical aspects related to performing an archive based installation of the Diagnostics Agent.
More details, also on the currently required minimum patch-levels of the SAR-files, which you need when installing with the latest SWPM version, are documented in SAP Note 2253383.
For this example, a directory holding all the below listed SAR-files was constructed. The directory on purpose holds much more SAR-files than needed, to increase the illustrative value of this example. In directory /SWPM/K_749_U_LINUX_X86_64_JVM8/DBINDEP, we have:
SAR-file Name | Description | Remark with regard to this Example |
SAPEXE_100-70001625.SAR | SAP Kernel 7.49, patch-level 100 | Should not get accepted, patch-level too low |
SAPEXE_300-70001625.SAR | SAP Kernel 7.49, patch-level 300 | Should get accepted, patch-level OK |
SAPHOSTAGENT13_13-20009394.SAR | SAP Host Agent 7.21 patch-level 13 | Should not get accepted, patch-level too low |
SAPHOSTAGENT26_26-20009394.SAR | SAP Host Agent 7.21 patch-level 26 | Should get accepted, patch-level OK |
SAPJVM6_98-10006989.SAR | SAP JVM 6.1, patch-level 98 | Should not get accepted, patch-level too low |
SAPJVM6_102-10006989.SAR | SAP JVM 6.1, patch-level 102 | Should get accepted, patch-level OK => JVM OK, remaining constraints will decide which JVM is picked |
SAPJVM7_10-10010932.SAR | SAP JVM 7.1, patch-level 10 | Should not get accepted, incorrect release |
SAPJVM8_31-80000202.SAR | SAP JVM 8.1, patch-level 31 | Should get accepted, patch-level OK => JVM OK, remaining constraints will decide which JVM is picked |
SMDA720_SP04_1-80002931.SAR | Diagnostics Agent 7.49.1 (SMDA720_SP04_1) | Should get accepted, patch-level OK |
SAR-File Patch-Level Requirements
When providing a set of SAR-files to the SWPM installer, all SAR-files, regardless of their name, will get scanned to determine if the name and the content of the included manifest-file matches the requirements of the selected installation option. SWPM names these requirements "manifest predicate". During the scanning of the SAR-files, "manifest predicate" information is written to the sapinst_dev.log.
In the sapinst_dev.log you will find "Request archive" entries like shown below. These entries print-out which "manifest predicate" the SWPM installer will enforce, for each of the required SAR-files for your current installation option. The SAR-file names which you see below are the assumed default SAR-file names. The SWPM installer will also accept (e.g.) SAR-files which have a patch-level in the name, as we will see later on.
TRACE 2017-11-28 11:48:35.913 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation)
Request archive:
- name: SAPEXE
- media name: SAPEXE.SAR, part of the Kernel
- manifest:
- dependencies: []
- manifest predicate:
@keyname='SAP_KERNEL' and
@kernel_os='LINUXX86_64' and
@compilation_mode='UNICODE' and
(@kernel_release=721 and @kernel_patch_number>=800) or
(@kernel_release=722 and @kernel_patch_number>=300) or
(@kernel_release=749 and @kernel_patch_number>=200)
TRACE 2017-11-28 11:48:35.913 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation)
Request archive:
- name: SAPJVM6
- media name: SAPJVM6.SAR, part of the Kernel
- manifest:
- dependencies: [SAPEXE]
- manifest predicate:
@keyname='SAPJVM' and
@sapjvm_os='LINUXX86_64' and
@sapjvm_release=6.1 and
( //SAPEXE/@kernel_release=721 and @sapjvm_patch_number>=99 ) or
( //SAPEXE/@kernel_release=722 and @sapjvm_patch_number>=99 ) or
( //SAPEXE/@kernel_release=749 and @sapjvm_patch_number>=99 )
TRACE 2017-11-28 11:48:35.913 (root/sapinst) (startInstallation)
Request archive:
- media name: SAPDIAGNOSTICSAGENT.SAR, part of the Kernel
- manifest:
- dependencies: [SAPEXE]
- manifest predicate:
( @release=7.10 and @servicepack=11 and @patchnumber>=5 ) or
( @release=7.20 and @servicepack>=4 )
Once SWPM has scanned and checked the SAR-files which you have provided, it will only show the accepted SAR-files in the SWPM UI. The below example shows that all required files are found and accepted.
The "info file" link at the screen below, gives you access to detailed analysis results.
The "info file"
The "info file" will help you to understand why SAR-files are accepted or rejected.
Per processed SAR-file, the analyzed candidate files are listed, and if a SAR-file is not accepted, the table in the "info file" lists the reason.
If at least the manifest file-name was correct, the not met "manifest predicate" is shown.
Explanation | Section from the "info file" |
SWPM looks for a SAPDIAGNOSTICSAGENT.SAR candidate. Based on manifest-file name (Manifest Check) one file is selected. The "manifest predicate" is fullfilled. |
SWPM looks for a SAPEXE.SAR candidate. Based on manifest-file name (Manifest Check) two files are selected. For @kernel_release = 749, the @kernel_patch_number attribute must be >= 200. The "manifest predicate" is not fullfilled for patch_number 100. The "manifest predicate" is fullfilled for patch_number 300.
SWPM looks for a SAPJVM6.SAR candidate. Based on manifest-file name (Manifest Check) four files are selected. The "manifest predicate" requires an @sapjvm_release=6.1. Two SAR-files fullfil that. The "manifest predicate" also requires an @sapjvm_patch_number>=99. Only one SAR-file fullfils that.
SWPM looks for a SAPHOSTAGENT.SAR candidate. Based on manifest-file name (Manifest Check) two files are selected. The "manifest predicate" requires an @hostagent_patch_number >= 22, for all supported kernel versions. Only one SAR-file fullfils that.
SWPM looks for a SAPJVM8.SAR candidate. Based on manifest-file name (Manifest Check) four files are selected. The "manifest predicate" requires an @sapjvm_release=8.1. One SAR-file fullfils that. |
Manifest-file Content
If you have trouble finding the correct version for one of the required SAR-files, you may want to check the manifest information which the installer has found in (e.g.) the kernel SAR-file which you provided.
This information can also be found in the sapinst_dev.log.
The below table shows the content of several manifest-files used in this example.
Note that the attributes which you see in the manifest-files are the same attributes which are used to formulate the "manifest predicate".
Description | Manifest-file Content |
Example |
Read manifest compilation_mode:UNICODE Manifest-Version:1.0 kernel_os:linuxx86_64 keyname:SAP_KERNEL kernel_release:749 kernel_patch_number:300 keylocation:SAP AG kernel_dbslversion:749.05 make_variant:749_REL compiled_for:64 BIT downward-compatible_to:740 750 751 765 |
Example from SAPHOSTAGENT26_26-20009394.SAR |
Read manifest hostagent_os:linuxx86_64 hostagent_patch_number:26 Manifest-Version:1.0 kernel_os:linuxx86_64 hostagent_release:7.21 kernel_release:721 keylocation:SAP AG compiled_for:64 BIT compilation_mode:Non-Unicode compversion-id:67838200100200018473 keyname:SAPHOSTAGENT kernel_patch_number:819 |
Example |
Read manifest changelistnumber:634232 diagnosticsagent_release:7.20 projectname:sm_agelets diagnosticsagent_service_pack:04 release:7.20 Manifest-Version:1.0 Created-By:20.65-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.) patchnumber:1 keycounter:7.2004.20170112095913.0000 keylocation:SAP AG versionstring: codeline:SM720_04_REL diagnosticsagent_patch_number:1 servicepack:04 Ant-Version:Apache Ant 1.6.5 keyname:SAPDIAGNOSTICSAGENT diagnosticsagent_version_string: |
Example |
Read manifest Manifest-Version:1.0 sapjvm_build:61_REL-20170427 sapjvm_release:6.1 sapjvm_os:linuxx86_64 keyname:SAPJVM sapjvm_patch_number:102 sapjvm_version:6.1.102 keylocation:SAP AG |
Example |
Read manifest Manifest-Version:1.0 sapjvm_build:81_REL-20170704 sapjvm_release:8.1 sapjvm_os:linuxx86_64 keyname:SAPJVM sapjvm_patch_number:031 sapjvm_version:8.1.031 keylocation:SAP AG |
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KBA , SV-SMG-INS-AGT , Installation of Solution Manager Diagnostics Agent , How To
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