- You are using the UI Theme Designer on the Enterprise Portal and have already activated the Fiori 2.0/SAPUI5 1.44 mode (KBA 2486524)
- When you try to edit any of the SAPUI5 controls, or the Fiori Framework Page you receive an error similar to the below:
"Preview Version Mismatch
The minor version of SAPUI5 used in your current preview application (1.38.XX) does not match the minor version of SAPUI5 used in the theme repository (1.44.XX).
This will most likely cause rendering issues in the UI theme designer.
Please adjust either the SAPUI5 version of your application or the used theme repository." - This error will show when either editing existing theme, or creation of a new theme
- SAP NetWeaver Application Server for Java 7.50
- Enterprise Portal
- SAPUI5 1.44/Fiori 2.0 design activated
SAP NetWeaver 7.5
ui5, sap, sapui5, portal, ep, java, controls, fwp, framework, page, uitd, theme, editor, motiv, flp, flp@ep, sap_belize, sap_bluecrystal, sap_goldreflection, sap_belize_deep, sap_belize_plus , KBA , EP-PIN-TOL-UTD , UI Theme Designer in Portal & new theme structure issues , EP-PIN-TOL , Themes / Portal UI Theme Designer / Theme Editor , EP-PIN-NAV-FFP , Fiori Framework Page , CA-UI2-THD , Theme Designer , Problem
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