- Cannot save a new Contingent Worker when using Pending Hires
- When hiring a Contingent Worker via Pending Hires the following application error is seen:
An application error occurred. Please try again later, or notify support (with the error information of errorID=50bce503-8df4-42ae-93e6-49939f348a06, timestamp=DATEandTIME, and the version information from the current screen) if the issue keeps occurring.
SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core
- Employee Central
The End Date year was set to an infinite value:
Workorders are not meant to go on indefinitely. Choose a more reasonable year.
See Also
Note to Support Engineer, the error generates the following message in SPLUNK:
Caused by: java.sql.SQLException: Year out of range.
at oracle.jdbc.driver.DateCommonBinder.setOracleCYMD(
SF , success factors , EC , workorder , work order , CWF , workforce , work force , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-CWF , Contingent Workforce , Problem