SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2575686 - Product Planning Details Screen is Showing Canceled Line Item of a Sales Order


You have created a Sales Order with more than one Line Item. The delivery of all the Line Items has been completed except for one Line Item. Due to some business requirements, you have canceled that one Line Item but the Product Planning Details screen is still showing the canceled Line Item as Customer Demand in the Supply and Demand list.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Go to the Outbound Logistics work center.
  2. Select the Customer Demands view.
  3. Select All Orders By Selection from the Show drop down.
  4. Enter the Sales Order ID XXX (XXX represents the ID of the Sales Order) in the Find field and choose the Go button.
  5. Select the Sales Order Line Item, which you have canceled and choose the Open Product Planning Details button.
  6. In the Product Planning Details screen, you can see that the canceled Sales Order Line Item is still visible as Demand under the Supply and Demand list.


Before the Sales Order Line Item was canceled, the corresponding Customer Demand had been released for Execution from the Outbound Logistics Control work center. Once a Customer Demand is released for Execution i.e. Warehouse Request is created, system cannot cancel the Customer Demand and the Execution process automatically. It needs to be canceled manually from the Execution side. As the Execution is still in process,  the Product Planning Details is showing the canceled Sales Order Line Item.

Note: Please note that when you cancel any such Line Item in the Sales Order screen, for which corresponding Customer Demand has already been released to Execution, system will give you a warning message saying that Cancelation requires additional attention in order to stop the Delivery.

Also, if you check the corresponding Customer Demand in the Outbound Logistics Control work center, it will show the Cancelation Status as Cancelation Requested. To check this, please follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to the Outbound Logistics Control work center.
  2. Select the Customer Demand view.
  3. Select All Orders By Selection from the Show drop down.
  4. Enter the Sales Order ID XXX in the Find field and choose the Go button.
  5. Select the Sales Order Line Item, which you have canceled at Sales Order level.
  6. Scroll down and select the General tab. Here, you can see that the Cancelation Status is showing Cancelation Requested.


You need to manually cancel the Execution process. To do so, please follow the below mentioned steps:

  1. Go to the Outbound Logistics work center.
  2. Select the Task Control view.
  3. Select All Outbound Tasks by Selection from the Show drop down and choose Advanced.
  4. In the search criteria, enter the Sales Order ID in the field Reference ID and select the Reference Type as Sales Order and click the Go button.
  5. You will find the corresponding Warehouse Task is In Process status. Select this task and choose the Confirm button.
  6. In the task confirmation screen, go to the Line Items tab.
  7. Here, you will see that only for the canceled line item the entries are enabled, because other line items have already been confirmed. Select this line item and enter zero in the Actual Quantity column and select an appropriate deviation reason from the Deviation Reason drop down.
  8. Choose the Save button. This will change the status of the task from In Process to Finished.
  9. Now go back to the Outbound Logistics work center and select the Monitoring view and sub-view By Warehouse Order.
  10. Select All Warehouse Orders from the Show drop down and choose Advanced.
  11. Enter the Sales Order ID in the Reference ID field and select Sales Order from the Reference Type drop down.
  12. You will find the corresponding Warehouse Order, which should be in Started status with Deviation red light.
  13. Select this Warehouse Order and choose the Edit button.
  14. In the Warehouse Order screen, select the tab Operations.
  15. Select the Line Item, which is showing Deviation Status in red and choose the Accept Deviation button. Once you do so, the Warehouse Order's status will change to Finished.

Now, if you check the product planning details screen, it will not show the corresponding Customer Demand in the Supply and Demand list. Also, if you check the Customer Demand in the Outbound Logistics Control work center, it will show the Cancelation Status as Canceled.

See Also

2575627 - How to Ensure That Cancelled Sales Order Line Items are not Visible in the Product Planning Details Screen.


Sales Order Completed, Customer Demand, Supply and Demand List, Cancellation , KBA , customer demand , cancellation , sales order completed , supply and demand list , sales order line item , AP-ODP , Outbound Delivery Processing , AP-CR , Customer Requirement Processing , Problem


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