SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2576185 - You Cannot Schedule Data Flow Verification Run


You have created the Data Flow Verification Run XYZ (XYZ represents the Data Flow Verification Run ID) and you are trying to schedule it, but you find the Schedule button is greyed out, and you can only start the run manually.


SAP Business ByDesign

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Navigate to the WoC Application and User Management work center.
  2. Go to the Data Flow Verification Runs view.
  3. Find and select the Run ID: XYZ.
  4. You can see that the Schedule button is greyed out, and you cannot schedule the Run.


From 1708 release, the system does not allow scheduling of Data Flow Verification Runs if the option 'Only check the documents that have changed since the last verification' is not available, or available but not selected. When this option is selected the system automatically calculates the date based on the last successful execution of the Run. Only business documents that have changed or created after the calculated date will be considered for the next execution.

This has been done to help reduce the load on the system by preventing processing of already processed documents.


You need to select the option: 'Only check the documents that have changed since the last verification' during the creation of the Run. For the case where this option is not available, you will need to manually start the Run.


Data Flow Verification Run, Scheduling, Schedule, DFV RUN. , KBA , scheduling , schedule , data flow verification run , dfv run , AP-DFV-RUN , Data Flow Verification Run , AP-IP-INV , Inventory , Product Enhancement


SAP Business ByDesign 1711