EWM Outbound delivery (FDO) Goods Issue (GI) needs to be reversed, but it is not possible.
The Goods Issue (GI) of an EWM Outbound Delivery (OD, FDO) needs to be reversed, but it is prevented by an error like below:
- /SCDL/BO_ACTION 069 "GI not possible due Transit Status Out of Yard"
- /SCWM/ERPINTEGRATION 115 "Delivery is already fully invoiced"
- /SCWM/GOODS_MOVEMENT 004 "Reversal only possible together with delivery &1."
- /SCWM/GOODS_MOVEMENT 028 "Reversal possible only together with HU &1"
- /SCWM/GOODS_MOVEMENT 040 "Cancellation/reversal only possible together with outbound delivery &1"
- /SCWM/GOODS_MOVEMENT 036 "Cancellation only possible together with delivery &1, item &2"
- LEDSP 007 "No split profile in &1 for activity '3' &4".
- QIE_INSP_DOCUMENT 013 "No authorization for activity Change (02) for the inspection document"
- /SCWM/GM034 "You can only post to bin &1 using a handling unit"
- /SCWM/WM_SEL001 "Parameters not consistent"
- M7021 "ERP:M7 021:Deficit of &1 Unrestr. prev. &2"
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management (SCM-EWM)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Goods Receipt, Goods Issue (SCM-EWM-GM-GRI)
- SAP Extended Warehouse Management Delivery Processing, Goods Movements (GR/GI/Reversal/Posting Change) (SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-GM)
SAP Extended Warehouse Management all versions
Goods Issue Reversal GI GIR Warenausgang Warenausgang Storno /SCWM/GOODS_MOVEMENT040 /SCDL/BO_ACTION069 /SCWM/ERPINTEGRATION115 , KBA , SCM-EWM-GM-GRI , Goods Receipt, Goods Issue , SCM-EWM-DLP-BF-GM , Goods Movements (GR/GI/Reversal/Posting Change) , How To
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