In your SAP Cloud system you are using the APP 'Manage Purchase Requisitions' to create a Purchase Order. When you try to save the Purchase Order you get an error "The currency is empty. This PO cannot be saved."
SAP S/4HANA Cloud Public Edition All versions
Reproducing the Issue
1) Open the App 'Manage Purchase Requisitions'.
2) Select the Purchase Requisition.
3) Choose the 'Create Purchase Order' Option.
4) Enter PO type 'Standard PO'.
5) Press 'SAVE'.
Missing master data. In the creation of a Purchase Order one of the most critical values is the Purchase Organisation, this is the main Organisational Structure upon which the creation of a Purchase Order depends. Normally when a Purchase requisition is created there it would be a source of supply, for example a Purchasing info record or Contract for the material and supplier combination. If you have a Purchase requisition where no source of supply exists you can maintain a desired vendor, but before you generate a Purchase Order you have to either assign a valid source of supply to the Purchase Requisition or maintain a desired vendor with the corresponding Purchase Organisation
In the Purchase Requisition maintain a valid source of supply before you create a Purchase Order or make sure you have a desired supplier and Purchase Organisation maintained.
FIORI, MMFIOSTD, EKORG, Source of Supply, EKKO-WAERS, SG105, currency is empty, Manage Purchase Requisitions, MM_PUR_PR_PROCESS, F1048 , KBA , MM-FIO-PUR-REQ-SOC , Fiori UI for Sourcing Purchase Requisitions , MM-FIO-PUR-PO , Fiori UI for Purchase Orders , How To