Starting from b1711, a new feature is released and as part of that you can now see Entity name and the corresponding Successfactors module name for the "Failed API Integrations" in Execution Manager Dashboard Logs of Integration Center.
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- SuccessFactors Employee Central HCM suite
- Integration Center
For all failed API integrations, You can now view the entity name and tag within Execution Manager logs in Integration Center.
- Go to Integration Center --> You have Failed EC based entity Integration.
- Go to Execution Manager (which lists the Integration Center jobs in a process view) -->Click the > icon on the right of a process, to display the error, warning, and info messages generated by the executedjob appearing as the events view.
3. See 'API Read Error' which is highlighted and see the Event description, which shows the entity name and the Tag of the Entity which shows the SAP SuccessFactors Application name.
4. You can click on "Download event log" on the top right to download the event log from the events view. This log contains the detailed error messages which may be helpful to you for debugging purpose.
NOTE: The new API error logging option is available for new integrations created. For Older integrations, tag names does not show up in Execution Manager error logs.
- Integration Center, Execution Manager Dashboard, API Error, Q4 1711
IC_API Read Error.png |