SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2579140 - Form Template Selection For Service Tickets


You want to Preview Summary for Service Tickets in a language other than English but the Summary is always displayed in English.

You have maintained the correct Country and Language variants for the required language.


SAP Cloud for Customer

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Logon into the system in ABC language(ABC is a language other than English).
  2. Go to Service work center.
  3. Go to Tickets view.
  4. Open Ticket ID 123(where 123 is a Ticket ID).
  5. Click on Summary button and select Preview Summary.
  6. Select the desired form template from the dropdown and click on OK.

The Summary is displayed in English instead of ABC language.


Currently, the Country variant for Service Request is not supported.The system always pick the US form variant for Tickets.

The Language selection is based on the logged on Language of the user who is previewing or generating the form.


There is a workaround to have multiple Form Templates under Service Request.

  1. Go to Administrator work center.
  2. Go to Business Flexibility view.
  3. Navigate to Form Template Maintenance.
  4. Select a Service Request form template.
  5. Click on Copy and select As a New Template.
  6. Enter a Template Name and Select Country as United States from the dropdown.
  7. Select language ABC from the dropdown for Language.
  8. Click on OK.

Now when you logon with Language ABC the Ticket Summary will be displayed in ABC.

See Also

2695354 - Ticket Summary Generated In Login Language


Form template maintenance,summary,tickets , KBA , ticket , form , language variant , summary , country variant , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , How To


SAP Cloud for Customer add-ins all versions ; SAP Cloud for Customer core applications all versions