When selecting a newly deployed codelist value in the fine-tuning activity of your Business Configuration Object (BCO) you see the below error:
'123' is not a Fixed Value of Field ABC
(Where 123 and ABC are the value and name of the codelist respectively)
- SAP Cloud Applications Studio
- SAP Cloud for Customer
- SAP Business ByDesign
Reproducing the Issue
log in to the frontend.
- Navigate to Implementation Projects View of the Business Configuration Work Center.
- Search and find the fine-tuning activity that is part of your Add-On Solution.
- Open and try to add some values.
- Click Save.
The custom codelist is used in the BCO as a data type for an attribute and this BCO has fine-tuning enabled. After the first activation, any new values added to the .codelist file are not available in the fine-tuning because the BCO is not notified of these newly added values. On deployment of this new version, the BCO will not be considered for delta activation.
You must do a dummy change on the BCO, save and activate it each time the .codelist file is modified. When the solution assembled and deployed to a different tenant, the BCO has registered a change and will be considered for delta activation.
PDI, SDK, finetuning, BCO, .codelist, delta, deployed, deployment, BCSet , KBA , static bco , is not a fixed value of field , error when saving fine tuning activity , AP-RC-BDS-BC , ByDesign Studio Business Configuration , Problem