- While performing an upgrade in Software Update Manager (SUM), errors are encountered during MAIN_SHDRUN/ACT_UPG phase:
Phase: ACT_UPG
Find the detailed information in log '<log_name>'
3 EDT012XActivate table "/1CADMC/010000000003145EKPO"
1EEAD222 INCLUDE table "/1CADMC/010000000003146EKPODAT" is not active
1EEDT003 Routine "EXPAND" (Table "/1CADMC/010000000003145EKPO" could not be expanded)
3 EDT013 Table "/1CADMC/010000000003145EKPO" was not activated
3 EDT014XActivate dependent table "/1CADMC/010000000003145EKPO"
1EEAD222 INCLUDE table "/1CADMC/010000000003146EKPODAT" is not active
1EEDT003 Routine "EXPAND" (Table "/1CADMC/010000000003145EKPO" could not be expanded)
3 EDT015 Dependent table "/1CADMC/010000000003145EKPO" was not activated
1EEDO519X"Table" "/1CADMC/010000000003145EKPO" could not be activated
- Alternatively, the error message may be applicable for objects that start with /1LT/*:
3 EDT012XActivate table "/1LT/000000xxxx"
1EEDT212 Field "<field_name1>" is too long (Specify a length between "1" and "1333")
1EEDT212 Field "<field_name2>" is too long (Specify a length between "1" and "1333")
1EEDT212 Field "<field_name3>" is too long (Specify a length between "1" and "1333")
1EEDT212 Field "<field_name4>" is too long (Specify a length between "1" and "1333")
3 EDT013 Table "/1LT/0000000xxxx" was not activated
- SAP Landscape Transformation replication server
- Software Update Manager (SUM)
SLT, LTR, return code, 1CADMC, 1LT , KBA , CA-LT-SLT , SAP Landscape Transformation Replication Server (SLT) , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , CA-LTR-GEN , Use CA-LT-SLT instead , Problem
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