SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2581396 - Goals not appearing on PM form - Performance Management


When launching a PM form there are no goals autopopulating into the Goal Section.

Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.


SAP SuccessFactors Performance Management

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Create goals on the goal plan.
  2. Launch form linked to that goal plan.
  3. Open the form.
  4. No goals are appearing in the Goal Section of the form / Some Goals are missing.


  1. Private Goals are excluded from the section and the goals on your goal plan are private.
  2. The section is setup with Category filters, that either don't exist on the goal plan or the goals you have created are not under that specific category.


Resolution for cause 1: Private Goals are excluded from the section

  1. Go to Admin Center > Performance Management > Manage Templates
  2. Open the Affected Form Template.
  3. Go to Edit Fields and Sections.
  4. Choose the Objective Section.
  5. Click on Show advanced Options...
  6. Untick the checkbox for "Exclude Private Goals".

    Exclude Private Goals.png

Resolution for cause 2: Category filters are set in the section

  1. Check the XML for <obj-category>

    category filter.png

  2. Either remove the filters alltogether or replace the category IDs with existing ones.

Category ID can be found in the Goal Plan XML.

Note: in order to make changes in the XML, please contact your Implementation Partner. If you don't have a Partner, you can find for SAP Certified Partners via the SAP Partner Finder or, alternatively, speak with your Account Executive or Customer Engagement Executive about Professional Services options.


Goals, Objectives, Category Filter, not populating, missing, Private Goals, PM Form, Forms, Objective Section, Goal Section , KBA , LOD-SF-PM-GM , Goals in PM Form , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Performance & Goals all versions