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2581721 - Error: Add host failed, Add host to instance failed - SAP HANA Streaming


  • SAP HANA Streaming is being installed on a dedicated host, from the console, for existing HANA system <SID>.
  • The Streaming installation has been successful, but it failed to add the additional host (from hdbmodify_addhosts.log):

INFO: | Performing straddhost...
INFO: | There was an error performing your task
INFO: | There was an error performing your task
INFO: | Add host failed
INFO: | Add host to instance failed
INFO: | straddhost failed
INFO: | Switching to user id 1000 and group id 79.
INFO: | Starting external program /hana/shared/<SID>/streaming/hdblcm/
INFO: | Command line is: /hana/shared/<SID>/streaming/hdblcm/ -host sapsds-p-d1 -log_dir /var/tmp/hdb_<SID>_addhost_2017-12-15_14.53.15 -auto_initialize_services -tenant_user SYSTEM
INFO: | Output line 1: System is configured for multidb
INFO: | Output line 2: Auto-initialize services mode is enabled
INFO: | Output line 3: Sql execution complete
INFO: | Output line 4: SAP DBTech JDBC: [403]: internal error: Call to streamingclusterutil returned: 1 Unable to create folder: /hana/data_streaming/<SID>/<sid>
INFO: | Output line 5: There was an error performing your task
INFO: | Output line 20: at com.sybase.esp.cluster.FactoryNode.main3(
INFO: | Output line 21: Error: SAP DBTech JDBC: [403]: internal error: Call to streamingclusterutil returned: 1 Unable to create folder: /hana/data_streaming/<SID>/<sid>
INFO: | Output line 22: There was an error performing your task
INFO: | Output line 23:
INFO: | Output line 24: Error: initialization of streamingserver failed
INFO: | Program terminated with exit code 1



  • SAP HANA Streaming Analytics
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) 7.2


SAP HANA 1.0 smart data streaming ; SAP HANA streaming analytics 2.0


stream, processing, processor, sds , KBA , HAN-SDS , SAP HANA Smart Data Streaming , Problem

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