You would like to set a field to a specific value when the person goes or returns from a Global Assignment.
Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental.
Employee Central V2
Global Assignement
1. You need to ensure that when someone goes away or returns from GA that their Home record has a record and an event reason for this.
Create event reasons for both away and return from GA. Something like this
2. Make sure that you are not using Right to return in your instance or this will not work. To disable this go into Configure Object Definitions . Select Position > find the Right 2 Return association > click details and set this to not visible.
3. Check your global assignment configuration object
Check the implementation guide Implementing and Configuring Global Assignments in Employee Central
Chapter Optional: Event Reasons for Employees On or Back From a Global Assignment
4. Create a business rule, base object Job Information with the fields you'd like to trigger a change, IF condition should contain your away or return event reason. Example:
Assign this rule to Job information object, triggering onsave action.
Now submit a Global Assignment and approve the workflows. You will see that in the job history record "away on global assignment" the rule will have triggered
Business rule to populate a field value on Gobal Assignment, SuccessFactors, Employee Central. , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-GA , Global Assignment , Problem