SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2582431 - Curriculum Status in User Point-In-Time Data LMS Report is current status


  • The Curriculum Status in User Point-In-Time Data LMS Report is current status
  • The expectation is that it would show the status of the Curriculum at the point in time specified in the report filter, not the current status


SAP SuccessFactors Learning

Reproducing the Issue

  1. Logon to LMS Admin
  2. Navigate to Reports
  3. Run "User Point-In-Time Date" report specifying a date in the past
  4. Note all of the data matches what the data would be at that particular time
  5. Except for the Curriculum Status, this shows the current status


  1. You run the report on March 23, 2017
  2. Filter for January 1, 2017
  3. Note curriculum returns for user as completed on February 12, 2017
  4. This completion is in the future (in comparison to the point in time selected: January 1, 2017)
  5. The expectation is that the report would show the status from January 1st (either blank if not yet completed, or an earlier completion date if a re-training)


This is the due to how the LMS is designed to store the Curriculum status data


As per the Product Management Team:

  • We cannot provide a point in time report on curriculum status
  • Curriculum statuses are not stored but calculated on the fly based on Item completion status
  • The User Point-In-Time Report will show data according to the PH_STUD_QUAL Database table. Since this is an audit table, it also brings data from assignments that are not currently appearing in the LMS UI.

See Also

To request a change in this functionality, please take a look at KBA 2090228 on how to submit a SuccessFactors Enhancement Request:


SF SuccessFactors Learning LMS User Point-In-Time Data point in time report rep rpt curricula curriculum status date complete completion , KBA , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-LMS-REP , Reporting Data , Problem


SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions