You are executing a system copy with SWPM and it fails with the error message below:
ERROR (startInstallation) [CSiStepExecute.cpp:1108] id=controller.stepExecuted errno=FCO-00011 CSiStepExecute::execute()The step SetWinPermissionsForSapdatahome with step key |NW_ABAP_DB|ind|ind|ind|ind|0|0|NW_CreateDBandLoad|ind|ind|ind|ind|createdbandload|0|NW_CreateDB|ind|ind|ind|ind|createdb|0|NW_OraDBCheck|ind|ind|ind|ind|ora|0|NW_OraDBMain|ind|ind|ind|ind|main|0|NW_OraDBStd|ind|ind|ind|ind|std|0|NW_OraDbBuild|ind|ind|ind|ind|build|0|SetWinPermissionsForSapdatahome was executed with status ERROR (Last error reported by the step: Assertion failed: in
function (role, readAccountData) {
if (readAccountData === undefined) {
readAccountData = true;
NWUsers.trace("NWUsers.getAccountData(", role, ")");
ASSERT(arguments.callee, this.haveAccountData(role), "role " + role + " is not created yet.");
var ad = this._readAccountDataFromKeydb(role);
if (readAccountData) {
ad = this._readAccountData(ad);
var masterpwd = this.getMasterPassword();
if (ad.password == "" && this._useMasterPasswordForAccountData(ad) && ad.type == "USER" && masterpwd !== undefined && role != NWUsers.roles.J2EEGuest && !ad.locked) {
ad.password = masterpwd;
NWUsers.trace("NWUsers.getAccountData() done: ", dump_properties(ad));
return ad;
: role ORA_SID_DBA is not created yet).
- You already have an operating system group named ORA_<sid>_DBA.
- Oracle Database
- Windows operating system
- SAP systems based on SAP NetWeaver
SAP NetWeaver all versions
SWPM ASSERT ORA_SID_DBA , KBA , BC-DB-ORA-INS , Installation SAP System , BC-DB-ORA , Oracle , Problem
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