- Cannot display bar chat data points
- Error message: "There are too many data points to visualize (maximum is 10000)”
- Follow the guide in 2271815 and 1847488, but cannot increase the limitation by same way which works for Lumira 1.x version
- By default Lumira viewer supports 10,000 data points. Is it possible to increase the data points from 10,000?
- Lumira Discovery 2.0
- Lumira Discovery 2.1
- Lumira Discovery 2.2
SAP BusinessObjects Lumira, designer and discovery components all versions
lumira, 2.0, 2.1, restriction, chart, limit, ini, configuration, -Dhilo.maxvizdatasetsize, -Dhilo.biggermaxvizdatasetsize, data points, discovery , desktop , bug, defect, by design , KBA , BI-LUM-DIS , Lumira Desktop/Discovery , Product Enhancement
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