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2583153 - Server Crash with "s_bufpool.cxx:717" error , while a DML is rolling back due to an error -- SAP IQ16.0


IQ server got crashed with "slib/s_bufpool.cxx:717" when inserting data after delete statement. It seemed the crash happened while rolling back inserting DML due to duplication error on a unique HG index.

  * Error & Stack =>

     .. Exception Thrown from slib/s_ohcins.cxx:964, Err# 0, tid 15 origtid 1006
     ..    O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 6145 (hgex_dataexception); SQLCode: -1002003, SQLState: 'QGA03', Severity: 14
     .. [20505]: Tried to insert a duplicate value into a unique index xxx.XXXXX.IX_SL0061M_PK on row 1766713.
     .. Rbck
     .. s_bufpool::Release(this=0x7f88ec003eb8,Slot=0x7f88ec189de8,isInHashTable=1,isForShutdown=0): main Bufman
     .. **************************************************
     .. ***   SAP IQ Abort:
     .. ***      From:  slib/s_bufpool.cxx:717
     .. ***      Rethrown from:  oslib/hos_throw.cxx:313
     ===== Thread Number  140218686404352  (IQ connID: 0001144694) =====
     ..  pcstkwalk(............
     ..  ucstkgentrace(............
     ..  DumpAllThreads(............
     ..  hos_ABORT(............
     ..  Throw(............
     ..  hos_assertexception::ThrowException(............
     ..  s_bufpool::Release(............
     ..  s_bufpool::Rollback(............
     ..  s_bufman::Rollback(............
     ..  st_txncb::Rollback(............
     ..  st_txnMgr::Rollback(............
     ..  st_command::DoCmdThroughResourceGate(............
     ..  st_iqtxn::RollbackTxn(............
     ..  UIQTxn_RollbackTxn+............



SAP IQ 16.0 SP11.x


SAP IQ 16.0


"s_bufpool.cxx" ; "st_iqtxn::RollbackTxn" ; "RollbackTxn" ; "hos_assertexception::ThrowException" ; "CR 812543" ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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