- INSERT IQ_TABLE2 SELECT FROM IQ_TABLE1 runs slow whatever the number of rows to be inserted.
- Both tables are IQ tables.
- Source table IQ_TABLE1 was created on IQ 15.4.
- The SELECT itself completes in a few secs, while INSERT SELECT could take between 7 mins and 10 mins.
- The SELECT column list involves CASE expressions and substring function.
- Most of the execution time is spend between
End of Query Block Analysis and
End of DFE Generation
SAP IQ 16 SP11 PL13
SAP IQ 16.0
CR812581, CR#812581, 812581, performance, "End of DFE Generation", "End of Query Block Analysis", DFE , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed
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