There are two design studio applications,ie app1 and app2. You want to open app2 by API "APPLICATION.openNewWindow" in app1. And also you want to pass URL parameter value defined in app1 to app2 in order to filter app2's data source at the same time.
For example, there is a button in app1, and below script is added in "on-click" event of this button:
APPLICATION.openNewWindow("http://<server>:<port>/BOE/OpenDocument/opendoc/openDocument.jsp?DType=CUID&iDocID="CUID"&"URL parameter name"="Variable Value");
Once click the button, app2 will be opened in a new browser window,and data source in app2 will be filtered by the URL parameter and its "Varieble Value".
SAP BusinessObjects Design Studio 1.6
object, application, open, New Window, open new window, URL parameter, Analysis Application, newUrl, Web page , KBA , BI-RA-AD-BIP , Business Intelligence Platform Integration , BI-RA-AD , Design Studio End Of Maint Note 2622437 , BI-LUM-DER , Lumira Designer , How To
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