During phase RUN_RSPTBFIL_PRPMIG, you encounter below error:
Batchjob RSPTBFIL failed.
Detected the following errors:
<SUM Directory>\abap\log\RSPTBPRPMIG.SND:
2EETG012 "Table neither in DBDIFF nor nametab exists: "UMGANSUM"
The object name above could be "UMGANSUM", or "UMGHEBCAT6" or any of the UM4* objects.
You ignored the error for these objects in ACT_UPG phase as per note 2468838 - Activation Errors for UMG* / UM4* objects during Upgrades.
Software Update Manager 1.0/2.0
UMGANSUM, UMGHEBCAT6, UM4*, RSPTBFIL, RUN_RSPTBFIL_PRPMIG, DBDIFF, ETG012, 2EETG012, DBDIFF, nametab, Table neither in DBDIFF nor nametab exist , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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