Scanning in Agentry iOS client using the camera crashes the application
Scanning in Agentry client that utilizes a Single-click action may cause a crash
- Agentry Single-click action not being executed when clicking on already selected tile
- Agentry Single-click action is incorrectly being executed when user is not clicking a tile
- Agentry WPF/Android and other clients utilizing "Loop Over Displayed List Items" behaving incorrectly
- Radio buttons that are tied to single click action may cause crashes or Radio Buttons disabled in SAP Mobile application surveys and others
- Devices that the issue was reported in:
- IPad Pro 10
- IPad Air
- IPad Air 2
- IOS 11.2 or higher (ex: 11.2.6 and others)
- SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0 SP13 PL05 or earlier (Agentry client)
- SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0 SP16 PL02 or earlier (Agentry client)
SAP Mobile Platform SDK 3.0
"Radio buttons crashes Agentry","Scanning crashes Agentry","SMP 3.0 Agentry crash when scanning","Agentry scanning on displayed list items crashes","Single Click Action Crash Agentry", "Loop Over Displayed List Item crash Agentry" , KBA , MOB-SDK-AGC , SAP Mobile SDK Agentry Clients , MOB-SYC-SAP , Syclo Mobility for SAP backend , Problem
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