Symptom 1:
- In a CDS query, a parameter is defined with a data type.
- The domain of the data type is defined with a list of possible values
- Run the CDS query, call F4 help of the parameter, in addition of the values defined in the domain, initial value (#) is in the value list.
Symptom 2:
- In a CDS query, a value help is associated to a field
- The value help CDS is defined on a table T
- When call F4 help, in addition of the values in the T, initial value (#) is in the value list
Symptom 3:
- In a CDS query, field A is the compounding parent of field B
- There is a global filter on field A in the where clause
- Call F4 help for field B, there is no initial value (#) in the value list
Symptom 4:
- In a CDS query, field A is the compounding parent of field B
- There is a hierarchy node filter defined on field B. The hierarchy node (such as the 'not assigned' node) includes value 'a1/#', that is, A=a1 and B=#.
- In the Dimension view of B, the value 'a1/#' is not available.
- In the query result, the value booked to 'a1/#' is not included in the node level
SAP NetWeaver 750 SP4 and above
SAP BW/4HANA 1.0 ; SAP BW/4HANA 2.0 ; SAP BW/4HANA 2021 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
not assigned, unassigned, BRAIN643, 2CIFICOSTCENTER, 2CIFIPROFITCENTER, compounded, compound, compounding, not-assigned, notassigned , KBA , BW-BEX-OT-ODP , Query Runtime for Operational Data Provisioning , BW-BEX-OT-F4 , MasterData read services , How To
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