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2584488 - Assertion failed: 104904 ( latch count not 0..., IQ16.1 SP01.02


"Assertion failed" happened in IQ16.1 SP01.02 and server became silent crash while regular jobs were running.

      ...*** ERROR *** Assertion failed: 104904 ( latch count not 0 at end of request

While the problem happened, user jobs like below were running. 
    - UDF jobs ran regularly and it is used for encryption view, each end user query data will call this UDF function to encrypt data.
    - CURSOR session from WebFocus tool.
    - Some sessions via DBisql tool with '-nogui' mode.
    - Some users used 3rd party tool like SAS Foundation or Tableau.



SAP IQ16.1 SP01


SAP IQ 16.1


"Assertion failed: 104904" ; "latch count" ; , KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Problem

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