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2584783 - Explorer Webapp deployment fails on Netweaver 7.4


  • Error received while deploying explorer and explorer_help web application:

Cannot deploy two applications with identical application aliases (context roots). Your application [SAP-SE/explorer-Web-Applications-Java-4.2] defines an application alias (context root) [explorer] that is already in use by application [SAP-SE/explorer-Web-Applications-Java-4.1]. There are two possibilities in order to proceed with deployment: 1) Define different application alias (context root) for your application [SAP-SE/explorer-Web-Applications-Java-4.2] (this is the preferred option). 2) Undeploy the application [SAP-SE/explorer-Web-Applications-Java-4.1]



  •  SAP Business Objects Business Intelligence Platform 4.2 SP05
  •  SAP Netweaver 7.4


Unable to deploy, NW 7.3, .SCA, cannot, deploy, two applications, aliases, defines, preferred, undeploy, possibilities, application, order, root, context roots, already in use. , KBA , BI-BIP-DEP , Webapp Deployment, Networking, Vulnerabilities, Webservices , BI-BIP-INS , Installation, Updates, Upgrade, Patching , Problem

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