In hmc.xml you specify minimum password length:
<attribute name="password">
<specialeditor classname="">
<parameter key="minPasswordLength" value="8"/>
If you provide password with less characters and click "Save" button you can see popup message with error but the password is saved.
SAP Hybris Commerce 5.2
SAP Hybris Commerce 5.3
SAP Hybris Commerce 5.4
SAP Hybris Commerce 5.5
SAP Hybris Commerce 5.5.1
SAP Hybris Commerce 5.6
SAP Hybris Commerce 5.7
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.0
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.1
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.2
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.3
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.4
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.5
SAP Hybris Commerce 6.6
KBA , CEC-SCC-PLA-PL , Platform , Problem
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