Primary ASE is running on 16.0 SP02 PL05
- Two INSERTs were issued from Primary DB, the 2nd one gets rolled back, but SRS still sends it to the target server
- Rep Agent (RAT) LTL 9201 trace shows that the 2nd INSERT is aborted from PDB:
0x0000001eb5d9f2f100484354534150503030503030 begin transaction ~"5_chained_transaction for ~"'SAPSR3-~#"#0x010ef01abcbf46f159b7617397948f57ef8c854a6f1650ba9c5310df6a788ee4 osid 383 distribute 10 1 ,4 0x0000001eb5d9f2f105c92c8b004905c92c6300020000a85c0174b32100000000,6 0x0000001eb5d9f2f100484354534150503030503030 applied status =8 owner =~"'SAPSR3 ~"/TABLE.~!*rs_insert yielding after ~G&IDENT=~"AE83935242A6C1EE7BBFF95B15BA681 81,~G*TIMESTAMP=~%%620180102204058.055538,~G&SEQNO=~")00000001,~$)INSTANCE=~"0ctsapp00_P00_10,~$%%WPID=~%%#17
- 0x0000001eb5d9f2f105c92c8b004f05c92c6300020000a85c0174b32100000000,6 0x0000001eb5d9f2f100484354534150503030503030 rollback to 0x1eb5d9f2f105c92c8b0049000000000000000000000000000000000000 distribute 10 1 ,4
- The rollback’s oqid is smaller than the previous ‘commit transaction’, so the rollback is ignored by SRS:
0x 0000001eb5d9 f2f105c92c8b0063 05c92c6300020000a85c0174b32100000000,6 0x0000001eb5d9f2f100504354534150503030503030 commit transaction
0x 0000001eb5d9 f2f105c92c8b004f 05c92c6300020000a85c0174b32100000000,6 0x0000001eb5d9f2f100484354534150503030503030 rollback to
SRS still tries to apply the 'rolled back' insert into target and causes the duplicate key error:
- ERROR #1028 DSI EXEC(112(1) RSD.RDB) - neric\dsi\dsiqmint.c(5165)
Message from server: Message: 2601, State 6, Severity 16 -- 'Attempt to insert duplicate key row in object 'TABLE' with unique index 'TABLE~0'
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise (ASE) 16.0 for Business Suite
- SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise Cluster Edition (ASE CE) 16.0
SAP Replication Server (SRS) 16.0
- SAP Replication Server (SRS) 15.7.1
rollback, 2601 error, oqid, CR 808280, 808280 , KBA , BC-SYB-ASE , Sybase ASE Database Platform (non Business Suite) , BC-SYB-REP , Sybase Replication Server (standalone) , Problem
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