Getting application error with fingerprint id eb744c0a58a9dcb8f6d6bcd1bf0c8da2c703cf3d while we try to view Job Information of the employee in People or Employee Profile.
Employee Central: Job Information
Employee Central: Business Rules
Employee Central: People Profile (PP3)
The root cause for this application error is the 'onView' rule which is assigned to jonInfo HRIS element which is trying to set value in other portlet like employmentInfo. This kind of cross portlet rules won't support in 'onView' event.
Remove the cross portlet 'onView' rule which is assigned to the jobInfo HRIS element.
eb744c0a58a9dcb8f6d6bcd1bf0c8da2c703cf3d application error job information cross portlet onView rule , KBA , LOD-SF-EC-JOB , Job Information , LOD-SF-EC-RUL , DO NOT USE - Business Rules & Event Derivation , Problem