While adding products or making any changes to an opportunity the following error occurs: "Please enter a party with role Sales Unit".
SAP Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Example reproduction steps, the message also appears with other steps.
- Go to the Sales work center.
- Select the Opportunity view.
- Open the opportunity ABC (ABC represents the number of the opportunity).
- Go to the Products tab.
- Click the Add button.
- The following error occurs: "Please enter a party with role Sales Unit.".
The owner of the opportunity is not assigned to any Sales Unit. However, the system will not stop you from saving the opportunity.
As per the current system design, Opportunity is an Error Tolerant Document and therefore it is allowed to Save the document despite the error message. However, the system will always pop up the error whenever you open the document to alert/ inform you.
Assign the Owner to a Sales Unit, using the following steps:
- Go to the Administrator work center.
- Select the General Settings view.
- Open the Employees link.
- Search for the owner XYZ and select the Edit button (XYZ represents the name of the employee).
- For the field Organizational Unit, select an option from the value help and Save.
- Now, open the opportunity ABC, remove the owner XYZ, add it again and Save.
The error message will disappear.
Opportunity, Please enter a party with role Sales Unit. , KBA , LOD-CRM-OPP , Opportunity Management , How To