- After a solved full disk event you still get the following error in Hana Studio: DiskFull with state HANDLED at.....
- You have tried to remove these old errors via note 2170779 SAP HANA DB: Big Statistics Server Table STATISTICS_ALERTS_BASE Leads to Performance Impact on the System
- But alerts still visible via Hana Studio
This issue was reported for Hana Revision 122.09 but is also valid for all other Hana revisions
Disk Full, Hana alert, HDB, Hana Alerts, SPS 12, ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENT ACKNOWLEDGED, ALTER SYSTEM SET EVENT HANDLED , KBA , HAN-DB-MON , SAP HANA Monitoring , HAN-CPT-ADM , deprecated - please use HAN-CPT-CPT1-ADM for cockpit 1 relat , HAN-STD-ADM-DBA , SAP HANA Studio (Eclipse) Admin Tooling , Problem
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