- You have performed a complete data backup on primary site and after takeover to secondary site differential backup fails with following error.
Could not back up system <sid>
Could not start backup for system <sid> DBC: [447] backup could not be completed: [110115] Delta data backup requires previous full data backup.
- HANA nameserver trace file shows below messages:
[45139]{200049}[-1/-1] 2018-01-12 00:25:38.235849 i Backup BackupMgr_DeltaBackupTracker.cpp(00344) : Backup 1515535088954 is not usable because of takeover on standby
[45139]{200049}[-1/-1] 2018-01-12 00:25:38.237222 e Backup BackupMgr_Manager.cpp(00885) : exception 1: no.110115 (Backup/Manager/impl/BackupMgr_Manager.cpp:4323)
Delta data backup requires previous full data backup.
exception throw location:
1: 0x00007f676159d781 in Backup::BackupMgr_Manager::prepareVolumesByDefinition(Backup::BackupMgr_Request&)+0x10a0 at BackupMgr_Manager.cpp:4323 (
2: 0x00007f676159df9d in Backup::BackupMgr_Manager::executeSaveData(Backup::BackupMgr_Request&, Backup::BackupMgr_Response&)+0x549 at BackupMgr_Manager.cpp:866 (
3: 0x00007f67615a9ee6 in Backup::BackupMgr_Manager::handleRequest(Backup::BackupMgr_Request&, Backup::BackupMgr_Response&)+0x492 at BackupMgr_Manager.cpp:499 (
4: 0x00007f67615aa292 in Backup::BackupMgr_Manager::handleRequest(NameServer::Request&, NameServer::Response&)+0x50 at BackupMgr_Manager.cpp:472 (
5: 0x00007f6761443a2f in Backup::Backup_ManagerHandler::handleRequest(NameServer::Request&, NameServer::Response&)+0x1b at Backup_ManagerHandler.cpp:35 (
6: 0x00007f6773adadc8 in NameServer::TREXNameServer::handleBackupManagerRequest(NameServer::Response&, NameServer::Request&)+0xc4 at TREXNameServer.cpp:16897 (
7: 0x00007f6773ae7070 in NameServer::TREXNameServer::processRequest(NameServer::Request const&, NameServer::Response&, void (NameServer::TREXNameServer::*)(NameServer::Response&, NameServer::Request&))+0x70 at atomic.hpp:1626 (
"Image/data in this KBA is from SAP internal systems, sample data, or demo systems. Any resemblance to real data is purely coincidental."
- SAP HANA Platform Edition 1.0
- SAP HANA Platform Edition 2.0
SAP HANA 1.0, platform edition ; SAP HANA, platform edition 2.0
complete, replication, HA, takeover, backup, differential, HANA , KBA , HAN-DB-BAC , SAP HANA Backup & Recovery , HAN-DB-HA , SAP HANA High Availability (System Replication, DR, etc.) , Problem
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