Trying to execute SNUM or SNRO transactions TIME_OUT dump happen:
Category |
ABAP programming error |
Runtime Errors |
Except. |
Application Component |
Short Text |
Time limit exceeded |
What happened? |
Program "SAPMSNUM" has exceeded the maximum uninterrrupted runtime and has therefore been terminated.
Error analysis
After a certain time, the program is terminated in order to free the workspace for other users. This prevents workspaces from being blocked unnecessarily, for example by an endless loop (DO, WHILE, ...), by database accesses where the result set is too large or by database accessess without a suitable index Index (full table scan).
The maximum runtime of a program is set by system profile parameter "rdisp/scheduler/prio_[high|normal|low]/max_runtime". The current setting is 600 seconds. Once this limit has been exceeded, the system attempts to interrupt the SQL statement or to instruct the ABAP processor to terminate the program. It waits for a maximum of 60 seconds. If the program is then still active, the work process is restarted.
Trigger Location of Runtime Error
Program SAPMSNUM [...]
[...] IF g_first_time = yes. * delete used buffers from table nrivshadow ------------- SELECT * FROM nrivshadow INTO TABLE lt_nrivshadow WHERE nrlevel <> 0. LOOP AT lt_nrivshadow INTO ls_nrivshadow. IF ls_nrivshadow-nrlevel <> ls_nrivshadow-tonumber. DELETE lt_nrivshadow. ENDIF. ENDLOOP. IF lines( lt_nrivshadow ) > 0. DELETE nrivshadow FROM TABLE lt_nrivshadow. "Error happen in this line." ENDIF. * screen ------------------------------------------------ tnro-object = space. CALL 'GET_PARAM_TCOD' ID 'PTCOD' FIELD gv_ptcod. "#EC CI_CCALL SELECT SINGLE * FROM tstcp INTO gs_tstcp WHERE tcode = gv_ptcod. IF sy-subrc = 0. CONDENSE gs_tstcp-param NO-GAPS. IF gs_tstcp-param CS '=' AND gs_tstcp-param CS 'SNUM'. tnro-object = gs_tstcp-param+18(10). TRANSLATE tnro-object USING '; '. ENDIF. ENDIF. [...]
SAP NetWeaver all versions
NRIV, NRIVSHADOW, number of entries, se16, buffer , KBA , BC-SRV-NUM , Number Range Management , Problem
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