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2588760 - sp_displayroles() shows no roles belonging to SYS_UPGRADE_ROLE_ROLE after upgrade


The SQL Anywhere 17 help files say: Upgrading introduce new system privileges, which are automatically added to the UPGRADE ROLE system privilege. You must distribute the privileges granted to the UPGRADE ROLE system privilege to other roles and users, and then revoke them from the UPGRADE ROLE system privilege.

However, upon upgrading from version 12 to version 17, the command:

CALL sp_displayroles ( 'SYS_UPGRADE_ROLE_ROLE', 'expand_down' );

shows no roles.



  • SAP SQL Anywhere 12
  • SAP SQL Anywhere 17 and later


SAP SQL Anywhere 17.0 ; SAP Sybase SQL Anywhere 12.0


upgrade, update, roles, permissions, dbsrv12.exe, dbeng12.exe, SQL Central, Sybase Central , KBA , BC-SYB-SQA , SQL Anywhere (on premise, on demand) , Problem

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