The diagnostics agents disconnects esporadically from SAP Solution Manager system. The ICM of the Solman JAVA system restarts and the dev_icm or dev_icm.old files shows the errors below:
[Thr 140522769065728] ------------------ C-STACK ---------------------- |
The disconnection sometimes is triggered when the Introscope JAVA Agent setup URL is accessed:
- http://<SolutionManagerJavaHost>:<Java_icm_port>/webdynpro/dispatcher/
Another symptom is the step Assign Diagnostics Agents of the Managed System Configuration that gets stuck and cannot be accessed.
SAP Solution Manager 7.20
smdagents, smd agents, spinning wheel stuck, diagnostics agent disconnecting , KBA , SV-SMG-DIA-SRV-AGT , Agent Framework , Problem
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