- Software Update Manager (SUM) tool stops in BIND_PATCH phase, and gives warning:
- WARNING: For some components you have not selected enough support package to reach the patch level that is equivalent to the package level on the start release.
- The issue mentioned is with addon IW_FNDGC
- The stack.xml file generated by Maintenance Planner has chosen the latest package for IW_FNDGC 100 which is K-10005INIWFNDGC.SAR (SP 05), but SUM is expecting SP 06 package like below picture.
- When you check log file 'PATCHINT.LOG':
2 ETQ092 Package queue calculation failed, rc = "3", reason = "There is no valid Support Package queue"
4WETQ399 Component IW_FNDGC: equi level is 6, but selected level is 5!
4 ETQ399 Minimum level included for all components.'
- SAP NetWeaver 7.4
- SAP NetWeaver 7.5
SAP NetWeaver 7.4 ; SAP NetWeaver 7.5
IW_FNDGC, BIND_PATCH, Equivalence level, There is no valid Support Package queue, Package queue calculation failed, equi level is 6, but selected level is 5, GW_CORE, IW_FND, ACP , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , BC-UPG-MP , Maintenance Planning Tools , Problem
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