You are getting error message PAOCF_EC_COMPENSAT 000 'Recurring paym. by component XXXX and payr. group ** difer in periodicity' in SLG1 after employee replication
You need to handle replication of Pay Components with annual amounts (and annual frequencies) in Employee Central which will be handled with a different frequency in Employee Central Payroll or in the SAP ERP system.
Replicating Employee and Organizational data from Employee Central to SAP ERP HCM (PA_SE_IN Addon)
Employee Replication from SuccessFactors Employee Central to Employee Central Payroll (EA-HR PTP replication)
PAOCF_EC_COMPENSAT000 payment annual monthly bi-weekly weekly , KBA , LOD-SF-INT-SAP , Please use LOD-EC-INT* , LOD-SF-INT-PAY , please use LOD-EC-GCP-PY* , How To
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