In the Contact TI, the error message 'CONTACT_PERSON must not be created for Relationships with Category Code ABC' is triggered when saving a value in the Details section of the Relationships tab.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
Go to the Customers work center.
- Go to the Contacts view.
- Open Contact DEF (DEF represents the Contact ID).
- Go to the Relationships tab.
- Select the Add button.
- In the Relationship type field select ABC (ABC is a custom Relationship type).
- In the Business Partner field, select Business Partner XYZ (XYZ represents the Business Partner ID).
- In the Details section, enter a value in the Phone or E-mail field.
- Select the Save button.
- The following error messages are triggered: 'CONTACT_PERSON must not be created for Relationships with Category Code ABC' and 'Please add an address for organization'
The attributes within the Details section of the Relationship tab of the Contacts TI (like for example Phone and E-Mail) are attributes of a contact person relationship and can be only maintained for contact person relationships. Within the non-modified Relationship tab of the Contacts TI, the Details section is only available if a contact person relationship is marked. So, within a non-modified UI, your reported error cannot happen.
At contact person relationships you can have a contact person relationship workplace address and at this contact person workplace address you can maintain workplace data and communication data like Function, Department, Phone and E-Mail. Other relationships do not have /cannot have a contact person relationship workplace address and therefore there it is not possible to maintain workplace data and communication data like Function, Department, Phone and E-Mail.
This is the expected system behaviour. In Business Configuration it is not possible to define Z* relationships that can have workplace addresses. At service performer relationships you can have a service performer relationship workplace address and at this service performer workplace address you can also maintain workplace data and communication data like Function, Department, Phone and E-Mail can be maintained.
Customers, Relationships tab, Contact, 'CONTACT_PERSON must not be created for Relationships with Category Code, Details section, Business Partner , KBA , LOD-CRM-CON , Contact , Problem