When you add datafiles under SAP tablespace using BR*TOOLS.
Some datafiles are added successfully and even you are able to find these datafiles in oracle and file system level
One or more data files are available at SQL level (v$datafile and dba_data_files) however while viewing this data file at OS level getting error file does not exists.
ls:0653-341 The file <file_name> does not exist.
Restore fails with the error below:
RMAN-20201: datafile not found in the recovery catalog
RMAN-06010: error while looking up datafile:<datafile name>
- Oracle RDBMS as of 9i
- All OS Platforms (UNIX Flavours and Windows)
ls:0653-341 The file <file_name> does not exist.
- RMAN-20201: datafile not found in the recovery catalog
- RMAN-06010: error while looking up datafile:<datafile name>
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