Using Standalone Seat served license from the SySAM license server.
This license is taken out from the SySAM license server and bound to the users computer for a period of 30 days.
Each time the client connects to server the period of 30 day is reset and goes on for more 30 days.
When a user is leaving the company or a new computer is being assigned this license needs to be returned to be reassigned to new user/computer.
- SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.5
- SAP PowerDesigner (PD) 16.6
SAP PowerDesigner 16.5 ; SAP PowerDesigner 16.6 ; SAP Sybase PowerDesigner 15.3 ; SAP Sybase PowerDesigner 16.1
seat license, return license , KBA , BC-SYB-PD , PowerDesigner , How To
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