SAP Knowledge Base Article - Public

2591063 - Learning (LMS) OData API Token in Boomi


You are following the Learning (LMS) KBA "2318897 - LMS Webservices Knowledge Support and Tips" and you want to generate the OData Token in your Boomi custom development.


  • SuccessFactors Learning (LMS) - OData
  • Dell Boomi custom development / LMS OData API - HTTP connector


This KBA has the objective to share how you can build your own Boomi SF LMS OData HTTP connector to generate the Token. Find below a simple suggestion how you can achieve this.

Step 1, include the Start Shape > "No Data"


Step 2, create your "HTTP client" connector


Step 3, add in the parameters, the values that you want to pass in the JSON format. These values are described in the LMS KBA 2318897


Step 4, In the Connection of the "HTTP client", include your HTTP Token URL. In this example, I used my salesdemo account (


Step 5, In the Operation of the "HTTP client", select the following values.

In the "Request Profile" and "Response Profile", you will need to import the JSON format (can be seen in the Step 6 and 7).

In the Request Header, you should include the Authorization and the value with your Secret key converted with base64.



Step 6, import one JSON file with the following format.




Step 7, import one JSON file with the following format

    "access_token": "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",
    "expires_in": 1800,
    "token_type": "Bearer"



Step 8, You are ready to test your Boomi Development. Run and check the results.


Step 9, If everything was set up correctly, you will see the payload with your access token in the HTTP connector, example below:


We hope this could help you. If you need further details, please note that consulting questions / Boomi Development questions are better addressed to our partner and professional services. Thanks!


  • SuccessFactors ( LMS ) Learning API OData
  • Boomi custom development
  • Token generation
  • OData / REST / TOKEN / OAuth / API / LMS
, KBA , LOD-SF-INT-CUS , SF Boomi & CPI (HCI) Custom Content , LOD-SF-INT , Integrations , LOD-SF-LMS , Learning Management System , LOD-SF-INT-BPI , Dell & Boomi Infrastructure , LOD-SF-LMS-ODA , Web Services OData , How To


SAP SuccessFactors HCM Core all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors HCM Suite all versions ; SAP SuccessFactors Learning all versions