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2591078 - Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected at slib/s_ohcidx.cxx:955 GetIdentity FlushIndexIdentity SAP IQ


Looking at the stored procedure, the following is seen:

DB.#temp.x1 - does have

CREATE HG INDEX x1 on #temp (colm1)

There are times when this shows the following error:

The follow shows up in the message file and errorlog:

I.  Insert for '#temp' completed in 49 seconds.  2875581 rows inserted.
I. Delete of 10156705 rows started for table:
I. Update Started:
I.  #temp
I. Update Pass 1 completed in 0 seconds.
I. Update Pass 2 completed in 0 seconds.
I. Update for '#temp' completed in 0 seconds.  0 rows updated.
I. Update Started:
I. #temp
I. Update Pass 1 completed in 0 seconds.
I. Update Pass 2 completed in 0 seconds.

Update for '#temp' completed in 0 seconds. 0 rows updated.
Insert for '#temp' completed in 0 seconds. 0 rows inserted.
Ebm Count: 0 Dbm Count: 1181464
_isPhysicallyEmpty : 0 _isEmpty0 IsConstraintViolation: 0 Unique(): 0
_OID._recCount: 0 _OID._inUse: GetNumEntries():583650 _pConjugateBT->GetNumEntries(): 0

** Non-Fatal IQ Internal Error Detected
** at slib/s_ohcidx.cxx:955 on thread 864 (TID 48)
** Please report this to SAP IQ support
** with the following diagnostic information,
** and, if possible, with the user's command.
** Error from IQ connection: SA connHandle: XXX SA connID: XXX IQ connID: XXXXX User: myuser
** Time of error: 20XX-01-17 11:28:50
** IQ Version: SAP IQ/16.0.110/10364/P/sp11.06
** OS info: IQ built on: Sun_Sparc/OS 5.10, Executed on: SunOS/XXXXXX/5.10/Generic_150400-30/sun4v
** Command status when error occured: CURSOR ACTIVE
** Command text:

In the message file:

O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 2068 (hs_idxexception); SQLCode: -1006003, SQLState: 'QBA03', Severity: 23
Exception Thrown from slib/s_ohcidx.cxx:955, Err#16, tid 48 origtid 48
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 9216 (df_Exception); SQLCode: -1006003, SQLState: 'QBA03', Severity: 23
IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support. DB.#temp_.x1 5 ???
Exception Thrown from dblib/db_index.cxx:837, Err#7, tid 48 origtid 48
O/S Err#: 0, ErrID: 1025 (db_catalogException); SQLCode: -1006000, SQLState: 'QBA00', Severity: 23
IQ Internal error. Please report this to SAP IQ support.
Double Throw Exception Thrown from dblib/db_index.cxx:837, Err#7, tid 48 origtid 48

 *** SAP IQ Abort:
 *** From: slib/s_ohcidx.cxx:955
 *** Rethrown from: oslib/hos_throw.cxx:278
 *** PID: 7683
 *** Exception Location: 0x1005c44b8
 *** Error ID: 9216, Exception Type: df_Exception
 *** Thread: 864 (TID: 48, Original TID: 48)
 *** Error #: 16, O/S Error #: 0
 *** Argument:
 *** Argument: DB.#temp.x1
 *** Argument: 5

Stack includes:




SAP IQ 16.0 SP11 PL06


SAP IQ 16.0


KBA , BC-SYB-IQ , Sybase IQ , Bug Filed

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