You want to use the URL Shortener in Tickets and want to know how to get the API Key for the web service Bitly URL Shortener.
SAP Hybris Cloud for Customer
Reproducing the Issue
- Go to the Administrator work centre.
- Select the Business Flexibility view.
- Select the Mashup Web Services sub view.
- Enter Bitly in the search field.
- Click the Go button.
The web service Bitly URL Shortener appears in the result list.
Bitly is a third-party software, hence you need to have an Bitly account and purchase the API Key, this one is not provided by SAP.
The API Key is specific for each customer.
Bitly, web service, URL Shortener. , KBA , web service , url shortener , bitly , LOD-CRM-SRP , Service Request Processing , Problem
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