You are using Ariba Network Integration for SAP Business Suite SAP ERP Add-on. You wish to map multiple PI invoicing partners to a VN vendor for an inbound invoice from Ariba Network. You go to the below customization path and try to maintain two "ERP Invoicing Party" for the same "cXML VendorID in 'From' Credential", and you get error SV009: "An entry already exists with the same key"
SPRO Path: Integration with Other SAP Component for Ariba -> Application-Specific Settings -> SAP ERP Integration Component for ARIBA -> Integration for Buyer -> Define Mapping Settings for Invoices -> Map cXML Partner to ERP Invoicing Party
invoicing, partner, invoice, inbound, ariba, add-on, add on, vendor, PI, VN, SV009, SV 009, table arberp_c_lifre, party, cxml, , KBA , BNS-ARI-SE-ERP , Business Suite Ariba integration add-on for SAP ERP , BNS-ARI-SE-ERP-BUY , Business Suite Ariba integration add-on (ERP) - Buy side , BNS-ARI-SE-FND , Foundation (setup/customizing) of Business Suite add-on , Problem
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