You are executing the SUM DMO run to target HANA DB and R3loads triggered during migration end with errors like below:
(FLD) ERROR: not all rows from buffer inserted in database
(IMP) ERROR: ExeFastload: rc = 2
(IMP) ERROR: ExeFastload: rc = 2
(IMP) ERROR: Aborting job, because data import task has failed while running over socket/pipe
(IMP) ERROR: (we will not be able to recover from the consequent 'out-of-sync' error)
(IMP) ERROR: ExeFastload: rc = 2
Subsequently, they get killed randomly with below errors in Import/Export logs:
ERROR write_to_pipe: Cannot write data to pipe off=0 len=20: Broken pipe
(PRC) ERROR: process was terminated (received signal SIGTERM or SIGINT)
- SUM 1.0 and 2.0
- HANA 1.0 and 2.0
SQLDBC, DBSL, ExeFastload, ExeFastload: rc = 2, SIGTERM, SIGINT, out-of-sync, HANA client, HANA DB, hdbsql,, LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LIBPATH, PATH, hdbclient, R3load, write_to_pipe, Broken pipe , KBA , BC-UPG-TLS-TLA , Upgrade tools for ABAP , Problem
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