This issue occurs in an upgrade or splitting of an ASCS instance.
- Phase STARTSAP_PUPG fails with error "Start of sapstartsrv failed. Cannot restart service in subsystem QUSRWRK, because failing of CMD: SBMJOB"
- If you check the OS level job log mentioned, it will contain an error like:
Job description R3_<NN> in library R3<SID>400 not found.
Errors occurred on SBMJOB command.
Message ID . . . . . . : CPF1139 Severity . . . . . . . : 40
Message type . . . . . : Diagnostic
Date sent . . . . . . : 20.01.18 Time sent . . . . . . : 12:26:09
Message . . . . : Job description R3_<NN> in library R3<SID>400 not found.
Upgrade of any SAP Netweaver system on IBM i using SUM up to an including release 1.0 SP 21 pl 5.
SAP, netweaver, upgrade, ascs, split, IBM i, as/400, iseries , KBA , BC-OP-AS4 , IBM AS/400 , Problem
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