You are using Change Request Management in SAP Solution Manager 7.2.
You can change the status of a change document to "To Be Tested" status without having a transport request attached. In SAP Solution Manager 7.2 the existence of a transport request is not mandatory, this is checked in the consistency check ANY_CHANGES.
If you still required that a transport request, a change, is attached to the change document then you can follow the steps in the solman_setup activity "Enable Mandatory Transports" with the use of the consistency check TR_REQ_EXIST. This consistency check requires the use of the message SOCM_ACTION_LOG044.
You follow the documentation of this activity "Enable Mandatory Transports" but still the change document moves to status "To be tested".
SAP Solution Manager 7.2 SPS3-6
TR_REQ_EXIST, SOCM_ACTION_LOG044, SOCM_ACTION_LOG 044, empty, blank, without, Urgent Change, UC, NC, Normal Change, CHARM, Change Request Management, SOLMAN, No TR , KBA , SV-SMG-CM , Change Request Management , Problem
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